Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam, tudia agak bersawangkan belog omey-omey ni..cian dia..eeww okey back to normal, im was been super duper busy for the past 2 month, after presentation thesis and proced to life was turn like a roller coaster..PHEW!!.
WELL, as i said im was been like super duper crazy, and proudly said im going praktikal at hospital pulau pinang, yebba yebba... i LOVE penang, so it was a blessing i got to do my praktikal in penang. working hour here was same 8-5pm.. ..on the first day, i was in histopatology lab..and i LOVE the staff and there alot of i learn there, okey chop... i will upload a lot of picture...
P/S : i miss blogging, and i hope i can write more and more after sorry, actually there alot of story i wanna share but im running of time..see ya, lot of love