air mata aku trun laju membasahi pipi
menandakan betapa sedihnya perasaan aku ini
aku rase mcm nak bunuh diri tp iman di dada ader lg
ceritanya begini..
aku sepatutnya teman atok aku tido
itu rutin harian aku pas tokwan aku passed away buln february
yg lepas..
my mum n my dad g solat terawh and leave me with
me..my baby brother..
as times passed 10.00
i started to wonder..why my parent not home yet.
i called them but it not unanswerd
my mum say dowang nak g shopping. jap..before kuar g terawh td..
i called so many times..to ask then..what times they will home.
or i will be late to my atok house..
time move to 11.00 pm.
i called my parent again.
at this time..my atok sure dah kunci pintu...
pagar..koz die nak tido..
at 11.30 my parent got home.
i ask politely .
sape nak g tido umah atok??
y balik lambt??
then my father says like this
"haih...bila atok tue nak mati
menyusahkan owang je!(care dia ckp, mcm aku ni anggap mak dia tue menyusahkan)
really at the bottom of my heart..
i never2 anggap atok itu menyusahkan aku.(kekadang je)
bila aku ask my mum xdengar ke bunyi telepnhe
akak telepn bagai nak rak..
pastu aku kate baik xpyh ade telepne..
owang kol x angkat..
mymum suddenly lempar anset die..
aku terkejut..n cry..
ape salah aku???
P/s..pade sesiapa yg bace post ni
tell me wat should i do??
n tell me dimane silap aku??? tq